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Cheetah adventures
2020-01-09 14:52


Mount Damavand, located in the north of Iran, is the most prominent peak in Iran and the Middle East and the highest volcano in Asia.

This potentially active volcano is 5610 meters higher than the sea level. This number is measured by special altitude measurement devices such as GPS. Some People falsely believe that Mount Damavand is 5671 meters high but the exact number is 5610 meters.  Its relative height, determined by comparing the height of the peak to the lowest valley between Damavand and the nearest higher peak, is 4661 meters, placing it on the 12 spots between the world’s highest peaks.

Five rivers run in the area: Haraz in the south and in the east, Lar and Div in the west, Panj Ab in the east and Tineh in the north of the mountain.

The minimum real-feel temperature, considering the effect of the wind is -60 degrees during winter. In other seasons especially months like July and August the temperature is ground zero in the highlands of Damavand and normally stays between 5 to -5 degrees.

Cheetah adventures
2020-01-09 14:47


Why Travel to Iran?

According to world tourism organization(UNWTO), Iran is one of the top 10 travel destinations in the world. This list is written considering both the number of tourists and the amount of profit earned from the tourism industry. Iran occupies the fifth place on the list based on natural sights and the tenth place on the one based on historical attractions.

You Don’t wanna miss traveling to Iran!

Iran’s ancient history and geographical and cultural diversity and its wide range of attractions can please every tourist and evoke their sense of admiration. The diversity of the tourist attractions in Iran will satisfy every traveler regarding their taste, motivation, goals and plans. Historical, culturally significant and holly monuments belonging to different eras of human settlement in Iran among natural sceneries in beaches, mountains and even deserts are strong motives for traveling to Iran.  The architecture style of the historical structures reflects the Iranian culture, therefore these structures form a large part of the tourist attractions in Iran.

Historical monuments in Persepolis, Pasargad, Hamedan, Shoosh, Siraf, Kermanshah and many other cities motivate tourists to visit Iran.

Foothills of the tall mountains in Iran play a critical role in nomadic tribes’ livelihood and are the location of many villages built on basins. These mountains are many urban inhabitants’ choice for summer vacation and can be suitable for those who enjoy winter sports and mountain climbers looking forward to conquering them.