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2020-01-23 11:43

Podcast transcription service: Only the best podcast transcription services    allow you the benefit of hiring a manual transcriber. Transcriptions performed by manual transcribers are markedly more accurate than those done by software. The transcripts are proofread and provided to the client as such the process of re-editing is expedited. Timestamps can also be recorded when the transcription is done manually. Also, there is an added benefit of speaker tracking. Send us the links to your podcasts, or send your MP3 files. Either way, the transcribers will start reviewing and working on your projects as soon as possible, and once transcripts are created, they will be check for quality and forwarded to you. Overall, this is process is easy, efficient, and effective. Transcribe podcast through online services to cover all three bases of good transcription - accuracy, cost-effectiveness and quick turnovers.


    First, transcription serves as a connection between the audio world and the visual world. As such, transcription can be an effective method of communication towards those hard of hearing. Considering 5% of the world population has some form of hearing impairment, podcasts and podcast transcription can be an effective way to get your message across. 


    Second, as the bridge between audio and text; transcripts could serve as a base for search engines to hold onto. Since search engines rely on words, letters, and phrases to “search”, transcripts serve as an effective tool for search engine optimization.


    Third, transcripts can serve as a tool for non-native speakers to understand the content. Reading is much more comprehensible than listening, especially if speakers have heavy accents. Transcript serves as an effective modal for learning and understanding the content of the podcast.


    Fourth, the transcript can be directly referenced to a third-party website. This can serve as a tool for searching souls to find your content.

Advertising through podcast: One can add hyperlinks in transcripts. Transcripts can help in advertisement and revenue generation for your relatively unknown (or known) podcast. 

How to transcribe?


    The self: One might themselves try to create podcasts and transcripts for the podcast. This sure is the cheapest and the accurate way of transcribing. But, time becomes a limiting factor - in podcasting world time means content and content means the audience. If you spend most of your time transcribing you will have no content to show to your audience base.


    Automatic speech recognition (ASR): ASR is a quick and cheap method to transcribe podcast to text. However, the accuracy takes its toll when transcribing with a machine. Accuracy for machine transcription, especially with multiple speakers with varying dialects, lies in the range of 70-80% rendering the transcripts unusable